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Web - Forecasting
Web - Forecasting
Thanks to the progress of technology, the volume of available meteorological data sets has drastically increased: more accurate NWP model outputs, more ensemble forecast systems, more satellite imagery channels and derived products.
Thanks to its unique data integration and processing capabilities, SYNERGIE-WEB allows National Hydrological Meteorological Services (NHMS) better dealing with this increasing volume of met data. Fully web-based forecasting workstation co-developed with Météo-France, SYNERGIE-WEB is the best fitted decision-making tool for NHMS to understand complex meteorological situations and produce accurate weather forecasts and warnings in a timely manner.
- Display all meteorological data: WMO/ICAO standard formats (TAC/BUFR/XML) / Surface and upper-air data (SYNOP, BUOY/SHIP, TEMP, AMDAR/AIREP, etc.) / Aviation data and charts (METAR, TAF, SIGMET, SIGWX-BUFR/PNG, etc.) / NWP model data (GRIB1/GRIB2, global, mesoscale, marine, dispersion, ensemble forecast, etc.) / Geostationary and polar orbiting satellite imagery and products (METEOSAT, NOAA, METOP, etc.) / Radar imagery and products (OPERA-BUFR, GeoTIFF, etc.) / Lightning data (SFLOC, SAFIR, etc.) / Oceanographic data (BATHY messages, oceanographic models, etc.) / NATO STANAG data formats.
Model outputs visualization:
- Process and display outputs of global, mesoscale and ensemble models.
- Vertical and time cross sections.
- Forecast metgrams, vertical profiles, trajectories.
- Model verification and user-defined parameters equations.
Display and value satellite / radar imagery:
- Assemble satellite images from different sources.
- Display independent radar data or radar mosaic.
- Customize color palettes, thresholds.
- 3D display.
Plot and analyse observation data:
- Objective analysis using observations and model data.
- Isolines editing and reworking.
- Watch points and areas to raise warnings according to observed weather conditions.
- View and export decoded values in tables.
Value your expertise through advanced production modules:
- On-screen chart drawing framework: SIGWX, local area forecast, analysis charts, vertical/time-cross sections, using library of standard pictograms.
- Easy integration with standard office suites (MS Office, OpenOffice, etc.), for bright briefings or reports.
- Automatic production based on user-defined schedule, data availability, data arrival, alerts, etc.
- Tactical Decision Aids (TDA), for implementing any kind of weather dependent decision rule.
- Collaborative work and workflow management.
- Tropical cyclone track analysis and forecast.
Implement geospatial interoperability through OGC services:
- Value and share meteorological data or layers with various information systems: aviation, transport, border surveillance, etc.
- Connect to external map servers and get new layers: topography, rail/road, climatology, vegetation, hydrology, oceanographic, meteorology (from other centers), etc.
These are SYNERGIE-WEB's key functionalities. The system has many more. For further details, contact us.
- The only system on the market developed in collaboration with a world leading National Meteorological Service: Météo-France's forecasters use SYNERGIE-WEB daily and provide development teams with constant feedback to allow continuous improvement of the system.
- 100% web-based for seamless IT management: No specific software required on visualization client. No IT maintenance / administration at client sites. Low deployment and operating costs.
Multi-role forecaster workstation for various missions:
- General, aviation and marine forecasting.
- Severe weather monitoring from any places (NHMS, home, crisis center, etc.).
- Nowcasting and meteorological support for specific events (sports, etc.).
- Weather forecasts for media.
- Military operations and mobile units.
- Weather monitoring for specific weather sensitive operations.
Dedicated plugins for aviation meteorology:
- Dedicated forms for METAR/TAF creation with syntax and coherence quality controls.
- TAF monitoring and verification.
- Wind conditions monitoring along runways and detection of crosswind conditions.
- METAR/TAF/SIGMET color code charts for instant overview of aviation weather conditions.
The best way to apprehend SYNERGIE-WEB's uniqueness is to visualize it! Contact us for a demo.

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