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The TitanXT is a strong motion accelerograph for high-precision structural engineering applications and research where scientists and engineers require exceptional dynamic range over a wide frequency band.
The TitanXT features TitanSMA technology, with a triaxial force balance accelerograph that has a low noise floor, exceptionally low hysteresis, and industry leading dynamic range. The integrated digitizer and recorder facilitates both standalone and networked free-field monitoring deployments. The ruggedized waterproof enclosure allows for an optional charger or modem.
With two models to choose from, the versatile TitanXT is ideal for deployments in challenging environments.
The TXT-3 is a 3-channel strong motion accelerograph that is typically deployed in environments such as bridges and dams that require protection from the elements, theft and tampering.
The TXT-6 is a 6-channel model that incorporates the benefits of the TXT-3, while making it possible to co-locate the internal Titan accelerograph with an external 3-channel broadband seismometer. This model is ideal for a variety of applications, such as civil defense early warning systems and studies in noisy urban areas.

Ease-of-Use Features Include:
- Convenient data retrieval via removable SD card or local Ethernet in MiniSEED or ASCII formats
- Continual streaming of data over Ethernet to a central server or retrieved on demand from the central site, SEEDLink available
- HTTP data communications, which requires only Internet access from within the host IT network to stream continuous or event data
- Instrument configuration/control via browser interface with Ethernet connection
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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